Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Working  in Norway after Brexit…

The Norwegian government has (17th September 2019) updated its advice to Brits currently living and/or working in Norway with regard to the potential consequences of Brexit.

Where we are right now.

Norway is not in the EU, but in the EEA. The Norwegian and UK governments have agreed that the living and working arrangements for its citizens  in each other countries will continue as present after Brexit is implemented. This advice however is based upon the UK exiting the EU with some form of agreement. The Norwegian government’s latest advice is that these arrangements will not necessarily apply in the event of the UK exiting the EU without a deal.

Do you need to worry?

To summarise the Norwegian governments view:

‘ You are a legal resident in Norway if, by the date of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, you have:

·                     a registration certificate (for EEA/EU citizens) or a residence card (for family members who are third country nationals), issued in accordance with the EU Free Movement Directive.

·                     a permanent right of residence, or if you qualify for a permanent right of residence as of exit day.

·                     a permanent residence permit (or a permanent settlement permit issued under previous immigration legislation)

·                     a residence permit issued under other rules, e.g. as a skilled worker.

You are also a legal resident if you qualify for residence under the Free Movement Directive, but have not yet have applied.’

‘British citizens who have a permanent residence permit, or a permanent settlement permit issued under previous legislation, will not lose this permit unless they have resided outside Norway for more than two consecutive years. British citizens who have a residence/settlement permit and a Norwegian national identity number (11-digit personal identifier) will in principle be considered to have proof of legal residence in Norway.

When new legislation enters into force, a deadline will be set for submitting applications for residence permits under the new rules.’

What if I haven’t been to Norway previously, but want to come for living or work reasons after Brexit?

British citizens and their family members who want to work and/or reside in Norway after exit day will have to follow the rules that apply to citizens of countries outside the EEA/EU (third country nationals).

The full updated advice can be found here:

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